Prepare your skin
Before working on your complexion, you need to make sure your skin is squeaky clean and moisturised. So remove any grime with micellar water or a cleansing cream. If you have oily skin, treat yourself to a purifying clay face mask once a week.
Finish off by applying a moisturiser - the non-negotiable glowing skin golden rule!
Choose a day cream adapted to your needs or skin type and at night opt for a richer formula that will repair your epidermis whilst you sleep.
Iron out lines
Choose the right foundation
Work your foundation
Nothing's worse than streaks or heavy duty foundation lines! Smooth on (don't rub) your foundation with your fingertip or a damp sponge. Blend it outwards starting from your nose. Keep going until you reach the side of your face and carefully work it up to your hairline.
Extra tip: press a tissue onto your face to remove any excess, paying attention to your roots, eyebrows, sides of your nose and corner of your mouth.
Banish blemishes
Freshen up your eyes
Go easy on the powder
Too much powder will only emphasise any enlarged pores or blemishes. Only apply a face powder if your skin's too shiny and go for a translucent formula that will diffuse light without accentuating your T-zone.
Add a touch of blusher
Sex up your eyes
Less is more and going down a natural route is the key...
Apply a light eye shadow to your brow bones and a creamier, darker one to your upper lids (use the colour of your eyes to find an enhancing match).
Finish off with a coat of mascara, for a wide-eyed look.